VMware vCenter Server provides a centralized platform for managing your VMware vSphere environments so you can automate and deliver a virtual infrastructure with confidence. What’s new in vCenter Server 6.0 and what’s new in vCenter appliance 6.0 will help you understand all latest features of Virtual Center server. This article will help you to understand various troubleshooting steps to troubleshoot windows based vCenter Service. There is also an other version of Virtual Center . It is important to understand the difference between virtual center based on windows and vCenter appliance.
- The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Email
- The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Account
- The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Unavailable
- The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Job
This behavior occurs because F-Secure blocks the CodeMeter service (codemeter.exe) on scanning the system even if it is known to be safe. This happens because F-Secure assumes CodeMeter trying to perform system changes that might be potentially harmful. If you still want to have two or more license servers, you will need to build another matching 2012 / 2012 R2 license server. CONSIDERATION #1 We have seen at least one case where the 2012 License Manager Service still did not start even after removing the 2008 R2 License server. In this case, the licensing server database had become corrupt.
Error 1067 unable to start the VMware vCenter Service
Troubleshooting vCenter Service Step 1:
Troubleshooting vCenter Service Step 2:
The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Email
Troubleshooting vCenter Service Step 3:
Last revision: 12/2/2013
About This Readme
This Readme provides information about important resolved and known issues for Wonderware® Application Server 2014 (version 4.0).
For information about new features, hardware and software requirements, product compatibility, installation and upgrades, and user documentation, see the Wonderware® System Platform Readme, which is located in the root folder of the Wonderware System Platform installation media.
Readme files from previous releases of Wonderware Application Server are posted to the Wonderware Developer Network at http://wdn.wonderware.com/Downloads.
This section describes important resolved issues. The following list is not a comprehensive list of all resolved issues.
L00076557: | Opening and closing a view window when 'Advanced Communication Management' is enabled for the Galaxy may change the timestamp on an attribute, even though nothing has changed on the device. |
L00088227: | Hot Fix CR L00124922 SR 37510097: The SQLDataGridUserCtrl OnClick event was not functioning. |
L00092397: | SR 37510155 Hot Fix 1413: Redundant engines with many objects caused numerous 'Objectsynchmgr Access denied' messages. |
L00094267: | SR 38910104: SetValue could not resolve primitive attributes that contained a dot '.' in the External Name. |
L00099641: | SR 10915425: Changing the unit of measurement for a UDA did not propagate to the Historian Server. |
L00107515: | SR 14812206: CaseSensitive comparision for Security_Groups objects resulted in objects not being deployed onscan. |
L00119440: | SR 103124254: Recreating a Galaxy from the cab file created redundant folders of deployed InTouch Applications on the Galaxy Repository. |
L00122434: | Hot Fix CR L00122194 SR 43110215: Deploying the Platform to a Windows 7 client failed with the message 'Failed to deploy |
L00124126: | Hot Fix CR L00124107 SR 45110148: AppEngine was running out of memory after a couple of days of operation. |
L00124963: | Hot Fix CR L00124598 SR 103127071: The ID 187 was not processed as a valid Phrase ID during deploy or undeploy. |
L00125228: | Hot Fix CR L00124824 SR 43610739: When using FSGateway in a multi-galaxy configuration and adding a large number tags to FSGateway using an OPC Client the tags get stuck in an initializing state. |
L00125998: | Hot Fix CR L00125295 SR 14832266: The history extension in an attribute was causing a name conflict with a graphic name. |
L00126068: | Hot Fix CR L00126026 SR 31611867: System.String.Join did not return a value the same way that it did in the previous version. |
L00126164: | SR 19818071: The script editor did not provide undo/redo functionality. |
L00126414: | SR12912660: In some specific environments, bootstrap failed to create an instance of remote bootstrap on a remote machine. |
L00126415: | SR 27810889: In IAS 3.6, the user-defined object Analog Field attribute did not always display the correct value present in the PLC. |
L00126416: | SR 43610579: The elapsed time reported by TimeSinceLastTransition was not being reset to 00:00:00:000 when Stats.Reset was set to true. |
L00126417: | The Redundant Engine connection state was being reported as RDIOBJ_INITIALZED before it was actually connected. When the RDI object was used inside a Redundant engine, this caused the reference to be reported as Bad, bypassing the setting of 'Maximum time to maintain good quality after failure.' |
L00126418: | SR 34211435: The GlobalDataCache folders were not syncing properly after a restart of the aaGlobalDataCacheMonitor service. |
L00126554: | Hot Fix CR L00125111 SR 14812231: Unexpectedly high number of NetNMXHearbeatsMissedCnt for all platforms in the Galaxy. |
L00126702: | Hot Fix CR L00126469 SR 43110295: Running objects were lost when a redundant engine was deployed when cascade deploy was not selected. |
L00126718: | Hot Fix CR L00126035 L00126761 SR 15712676 SR 14832301: Duplicate alarms were being displayed in the Alarm Viewer. |
L00126744: | Hot Fix CR L00125123 SR 37112904: OPC Client issues occurred after a network failure caused the connection to be reestablished. |
L00126746: | Hot Fix CR L00126154 SR 41810109: The OPC client object was not converting the data type and value from the CXSSNMP DAServer correctly. |
L00126782: | Hot Fix CR L00126144 SR 103126799: The GR platform restarted during a Galaxy load. |
L00126785: | Hot Fix CR L00125088: A Field Attribute did not show the correct value for the PLC unless the Buffered Data option was enabled. |
L00126814: | Reregistering NotificationDistributorRuntime caused old alarms to appear that could not be acknowledged (ACKed). |
L00126821: | Hot Fix CRL00124147 SR 103126395: The 'Enable state label' for a Discrete Field Attribute did not work for OPR events. |
L00127165: | Hot Fix CR L00127100 SR 15316853: The internal_bind_visual_element_references store procedure ran too long after deployment of an InTouch graphics template with 20 InTouch object instances. |
L00127196: | Hot Fix CR L00126203 SR 14812327: During a simulated OPC server failure scenario, active items from both the primary and the backup server were connected to the DI. |
L00127203: | Hot Fix CR L00126257: When simulating an OPC server crash the RDI object exposed 0x00 bad qualities to the Clients causing reference resolution and Batch Hold. |
L00127204: | Hot Fix CR L00125906: The event description text logged to the comment field for an attribute was not consistent. The text 'secured' or 'verified' was being added to the prefix when the attribute was set from an ArchestrA Graphic, but not when set from other clients. |
L00127363: | Hot Fix CR L00126179: A large data2_Cached.txt file (5 MB) negatively impacted the engine performance and stability, and caused excessive CPU activity. |
L00127589: | Hot Fix CR L00123574 SR 10512085: After a redundant application engine fails over, RDI reported unknown errors and was quarantined. |
L00127679: | SR 103128441: Loading a .csv file that contained 20 instances of a sequencer template resulted in a Galaxy load error. |
L00127700: | Hot Fix CR L00127379 SR 45110257: Both primary and redundant engines were going active at the same time. |
L00127750: | Hot Fix CR L00127643 SR 43110290: A validated area started showing warnings without an apparent reason. |
L00127833: | Hot Fix CR L00126276 SR 37113036: The description could not be defined for the scan group item error count alarms (scangroup.ItemErrorCntAlarm.DescAttrName). |
L00127834: | Hot Fix CR L00125828 SR 20114758: The Output Extension attribute reference was not set correctly when the extended attribute's quality is bad. |
L00127835: | Hot Fix CR L00125013 SR 22318077: When the Buffered Data option was checked, the items created by Base Template library would go from bad to good quality repeatedly. |
L00128115: | SR 103128552: After a failover condition, the value of a UDA could erroneously change from True to False and trigger an alarm. |
L00128161: | Hot Fix CR L00128025 L00125794 L00126613: Clients were allowed to access the Galaxy database tables while they were being refreshed |
L00128193: | Hot Fix CR L00128021 SR 45510344: IDE and InTouch performance was degraded when saving InTouch WindowMaker Windows. |
L00128237: | Hot Fix CR L00128094: The RDI caused the engine to stop responding when there were bad items that did not exist in the PLC. |
L00128241: | Hot Fix CR L00127829 SR 43110326: When Advanced Communication Mode was enabled, the DiscreteDevice PV was not getting the correct updates. |
L00128558: | SR 103129458: An example script documented in Scripting.pdf, 'Using Microsoft Exchange to Send an Email Message,' did not execute properly when used with some versions of Microsoft Office. |
< top of document >
This section describes known issues that remain in Wonderware Application Server 2014 (version 4.0).
L00069519: | In a redundant load sharing environment, the cascade deployment of a backup platform does not deploy InTouch ViewApp instances, if the redundant AppEngine has InTouch Proxy objects configured. Backup redundant object errors are logged. After the InTouch ViewApp deploy fails, it can be manually re-deployed. |
L00076557: | Opening and closing a view window when " advanced="" communication="" management'="" is="" enabled="" for="" the="" galaxy="" may="" cause="" a="" different="" timestamp="" to="" be="" returned="" attribute="" from="" daserver,="" even="" though="" nothing="" has="" changed="" on="" device.<="" td=""> |
L00077487: | During tag registration, Wonderware Historian discards the value for SampleCount (isSamples) provided by Application Server. Before installing Wonderware Application Server 3.1, apply Wonderware Historian 9.0 Patch 02 to resolve this issue. |
L00078446: | The ArchestrA Symbol Editor stops responding when you edit the 'format string' property of the 'checked list box' client control. |
L00078465: | Dates earlier than 1970 are not valid for purposes of the LogDataChangeEvent() script function. Using a date earlier than 1970 sends a warning message to the logger. Use a date on or after 1/1/1970 when using the 'LogDataChangeEvent()' script. |
L00083270: | Spaces are not imported as part of the translation for the selected language. |
L00083909: | InTouch applications receive Quality Status and Locale information from the deployed Galaxy. InTouch applications cannot receive data from an undeployed Galaxy. |
L00084306: | StringFromTime() results are different in InTouch and Application Server. InTouch converts a timestamp given in UTC time to local time and returns the result as a string. This function takes Daylight Saving Time into account. The ArchestrA StringFromTime function still returns the time as GMT. Also, if you change the time zone while WindowViewer is running, the new time zone is not taken into consideration for script functions. On restart of the WindowViewer, the new time zone is taken into account for the script functions. This behavior occurs because time zone information is set during the view initialization. |
L00085806: | The font used for graphics in ArchestrA symbols does not render properly in the Symbol Editor and on print outs, if the DPI of the screen or printer is less than or greater than 96-dpi. Wonderware does not support running the product in DPIs other than 96 DPI. |
L00086242: | Unable to connect to test server nodes when using the SuiteLinkDDEClient object and trying to connect to a local server on Windows Vista. Connection is successful to the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 nodes. The issue does not occur if you put 'localhost' in the node name of the DDESuiteLink DI object. |
L00087046: | An embedded symbol is lost after swapping symbol names. VERL (Visual Element Reference List) corruption is artificially causing a circular reference. |
L00087247: | InTouchViewApp fails to undo a checkout when there is a file-lock within the CheckOut folder. You should not attempt to check-in the InTouchViewApp. Fix the file-lock issue, and perform the 'undo-checkout' again. |
L00087305: | When you rename a referenced symbol while an object editor is open, the reference to the renamed symbol may be lost. |
L00087471: | The background reference binding thread may stop processing because of a database connection failure. The following message is logged in the System Management Console: 'Warning WWCdi CRefString(TagName Validation). Database connection is no longer valid.' You must restart the aaGR.exe process to reestablish the connection to the database server. |
L00087752: | You must restart the aaGR.exe after you import an object with a minor version increment, if the object is written in .NET. The issue may occur for ApplicationObjects written in .NET with the ApplicationObject Toolkit 3.1, versus ApplicationObjects written with an older version of the ApplicationObject Toolkit. Restart of the aaGR.exe is required if all of the following apply:
L00089937: | Importing a major version of an object instance that is on a platform which is currently deployed will result in aaPIM logged messages. To resolve the issue, the platform hosting the object must be undeployed to clear the errors. |
L00092635: | Application Server 3.1 SP2 will import an alarm comment file for language switching of format Galaxy_ACLSGalaxy1_2058_Alarm_Comments_Untranslated.txt but InTouch WindowMaker doesn't recognize the file. This behavior is as-designed. InTouch will only recognize file format %_AlarmComment.txt . The option to export untranslated comments was provided in Application Server in order to diagnose and verify quickly whether all translations for a specific locale have been done, and to manage or find untranslated alarm messages in large galaxies. This functionality was provided as value added for Wonderware Application Server, but was not required for InTouch. |
L00092675: | In the alarm comment run-time language switching feature, the PhraseId can go out of sync in exported files for the same alarm message in different languages. This does not cause problems in exporting or importing alarm messages into the Galaxy, but it can lead to a failure in InTouch to switch the alarm comment language in run time. Alarms for which the PhraseId does not match between the different languages will not switch. Instead of showing the translated message, the default alarm message, in English if the Galaxy was created in English, will be displayed. The Lang.dll in InTouch has been modified to log a warning in the SMC that the current alarm message does not match across translated languages. The message recommends that you re-export all the languages of the conflicting file from the Galaxy, and re-import them to the InTouch application. The conflicting file name will be part of the message. We recommend that you keep all the translated exported language files in sync. |
L00093428: | In Windows Vista and higher operating systems, the DDE cannot communicate across sessions. This is a User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) issue. For example, with Wonderware Application Server running in Session 0 as a service, Excel would run in a session other than 0, a User interactive session. In this scenario, DDE is not able to communicate across the session. SuiteLink can work in place of DDE under certain conditions. |
L00093559: | The calendar control in the graphic editor is drawn with different size fonts on different operating systems. For example, the sizes shown are different on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 operating systems. The size of the calendar control does not change when you change the font on the Windows Vista operating system. If a symbol with calendar control is saved in a Windows Server 2003 system and then opened in a Windows Server 2008 system, the size changes after export and import. This affects the symbol layout as well. Workaround: Ensure that your operating system themes are consistent in screen resolution, DPI, icon size, and font size settings. |
L00095452: | The Reactor_Demo_Application_Server displays name conflict errors while attempting to enable history for several $ReactorSet.Reactor field attributes such as ConcPump and ConcValve. The issue appeared in Wonderware Application Server 3.1 which added the capability in the Extensions section to add a description in the history extension. This modification has created a conflict with field attributes and object graphics. |
L00095695: | When using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Development Edition, the GR service fails to connect and freezes. This issue occurs because the Development Edition of SQL Server, which is not supported by Wonderware Application Server, does not enable TCP/IP service by default. |
L00095744: | The Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle and neither Driver do Microsoft Access[*.mdb] nor Driver do Microsoft Excel[*.xls] are visible in a Windows Server 2008 64-bit SP2 Standard Edition operating system with SQL Server 2008 SP1 installed. These drivers are 32-bit drivers and are not visible in a 64-bit system directly from Control Panel, Administrative Tools, DataSources(ODBC). You can create ODBC connections by running C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe . This is a 32-bit application, which will display 32-bit drivers. This issue does not occur on 32-bit systems.Microsoft does not provide a 64-bit OLE DB Provider for Oracle. Oracle provides a separate OLE DB Provider for use on 64-bit systems. |
L00097202: | Memory use rapidly grows when running an application that has InputSource changes every 5 seconds (200 UDAs) and BindTo changes every 10 seconds. Due to a synchronous script timeout, the code does not clean up the local indirect created at the time of script execution, which increases the size of the reference table in the LMX and leads to the memory leak. There are three possible workarounds to stop the memory leak:
L00097788: | Existing license CDs have issues running aaLicView.exe in a 64-bit operating system and will not correctly install a license. You must use the license utility installed with the Wonderware Application Server or InTouch software. |
L00098305: | After upgrading the GR node, a Deploy/Un-deploy attempt on a non-upgraded remote platform undeploys InTouchViewApp and ViewEngine assigned under the non-upgraded Remote platform. |
L00098946: | With Scan on Demand (SOD) enabled, if an item is activated, deactivated, then reactivated it will return the last value available before it was suspended rather than the current live value. This behavior does not occur if SOD is disabled. |
L00099447: | An object attribute with an input extension referring to another object attribute remains suspended after deployment when used in a script. This behavior only happens if the object attribute has no other references and is deployed to the backup engine with the primary engine undeployed. The workaround is to add a reference to the object attribute, such as adding it to a watch window, to trigger the activation so that its value, timestamp and quality can be posted appropriately. |
L00099557: | If you create a symbol with two or more custom properties, then modify the values of one custom property in the properties grid, then select the value field of the other custom property to modify it, the second property's value field shows as blank. Any already existing value disappears from the second custom property value field. The value itself is not erased, but is not shown. As a workaround, reopen the symbol and use the Custom Properties dialog box to populate the custom property values. |
L00104907: | Tooltip animations are not working for WCC controls. |
L00105138: | On the Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 operating systems, the UI controls for the $WinPlatform derived template do not align correctly. Workaround: Right-click Computer and then click Properties. Click Advanced system settings, and then click the Advanced tab. In the Performance area, click Settings. Click to clear the Smooth edges of screen fonts check box. |
L00106038: | Errors are logged while deploying PEM objects. Factelligence 3.5 (PEM, FMM, MEM) objects are not supported in the current version of Wonderware Application Server. Upgrade to MES version 4.0 or higher is required. |
L00106124: | Importing objects built in AOT 3.1 or higher, minor version upgrade, can take a long time even if the object is changed only for editor assembly. Use the following steps to create an AOT object with minor version changes which should contain only editor changes and no changes in package logic:
L00106403: | If extensions (InputOutput, Input, Output, Alarm, or History) are added to a Field Attribute via the Extensions tab and the Field Attribute is later renamed, the Field Attribute's configuration structure can become corrupted. As a workaround, configure Field Attributes using only the options available on the Field Attributes tab in the editor of the $UserDefined object; do not configure a Field Attribute using options from the Extensions tab of the editor. |
L00106782: | Certain IDE operations performed under the following configuration are much slower on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows7 operating systems than on earlier releases of Microsoft Windows:
The following operations may slow down by a factor of 2 or 3:
For more information, see Tech Note #719. |
L00107919: | When you log on to the ArchestrA System Management Console (SMC) Platform Manager with a newly-created, Active Directory OS Group account for Wonderware Application Server, and that OS Group account does not contain a 'Full Name' description, the following error is generated: 'User does not belong to any of the configured Roles'. This also occurs when you log on to an InTouch application or Object Viewer. To work around this issue, log on to the ArchestrA IDE first using the new OS Group account and then log on to the SMC, InTouch application, or Object Viewer. |
L00108399: | When saving an object ('myudax0' in this example) that has a User Defined Attribute (UDA) with input extension created using GRAccess with the buffered data property enabled, the follow error message is displayed: Buffered enabled UDA 'myudax0' does not have an input source. As a workaround, add the extension in GRAccess with type 'inputextension' instead of 'InputExtension'. |
L00108539: | The following message is displayed when AOT tries to connect to a Galaxy from an out-of-sync IDE node even though there are no other clients connected to the same Galaxy:Test GalaxyAs a workaround, synchronize the Galaxy through the IDE first and then start the AOT. |
L00109396: | The following warning is logged in IDE and Bootstrap nodes during upgrade of an undeployed Galaxy:Warning msiexec GetArchestrAInstallPath(): Failed to Read the Registry ArchestrA install path Key.'There is no workaround required. The error message does not impact the node upgrades. |
L00110185: | Remote Platforms are unable to be deployed if the Galaxy Repository and remote nodes have same domain user, but one is specified by the fully-qualified domain name (mydomain.xxx.mycompany.com) and the other by just the domain name (mydomain). The following error message is shown: 'Error: Failed to deploy WinPlatform_002 : Remote Node's UserId/Password don't match GR Node's.' To work around this issue, make sure that the userdomainpassword match identically for the nodes. Either both nodes need to use the fully-qualified domain name or both nodes do not. |
L00112178: | Objects built using ArchestrA Object Licensing Toolkit (AOLT) version 1.0 are not compatible with Wonderware Application Server version 3.5 (2012) and higher versions. You must rebuild the objects with AOLT version 1.1 licensing. |
L00112189: | Installing Wonderware Application Server on a computer used as a domain controller is not supported. |
L00113652: | If you import objects that have dependencies in scripting to custom DLLs and if these custom DLLs are not present in the Galaxy, these objects being imported are placed in an error condition. As a workaround, you can import the custom DLLs used by scripts and validate the objects being imported to resolve this issue. |
L00113709: | Objects created in Wonderware Intelligence 1.1 are not compatible with Wonderware Application Server 3.5. |
L00115036: | If the identity of a ShowGraphic script is already in use, the graphic opened with that same identity will be replaced. During the replacement process, the OnHide script of that graphic will not be executed. As a workaround, use a HideGraphic script or a HideSelf script first to hide the open graphic. Then use a ShowGraphic script to open a new graphic. |
L00115135: | In the OPCClient object, the installed DAServers are not listed under the Server Name. For the OPCClient object, the following error message is shown in the SMC log: .Net Editor Info - 17:35:14.3125809 Failed to create instance of OPCEnum on server node COMPST01: 0x80040153 As a workaround, if you invert the installation sequence by installing the OPC Server first and then the Bootstrap, the OPCEnum is installed without anonymous logon and a remote connection to the OPC Server is possible. You can also resolve this issue by deleting and creating the anonymous logon on the OPCEnum permission. |
L00115589, L00115710, L00116055: | Any deployed InTouchViewApp instance that is configured to include all Galaxy graphics is incorrectly marked as pending a change if you:
L00115681: | If you configure an InTouchViewApp object and select the Include all Galaxy graphics with this application check box, when you export the object to another Galaxy, the new InTouchViewApp object will not have this option selected. You must manually select the option again. |
L00115869: | If a field attribute is configured as buffered and has an input extension to a non-buffered user-defined attribute, the field attribute returns bad quality even though the value updates. In order to get good quality, configure the input extension to a buffered user-defined attribute. |
L00116266: | The database transaction log can significantly increase in size after migration of .cab files. As a workaround, use the Galaxy Database Scrubber utility to improve the operating performance of your Galaxy database. Also, you can increase the hard drive size. Follow the guidelines provided under Minimum Hardware Requirements in the Wonderware System Platform 2014 Readme. |
L00116279: | If there are bad visual element references in an object, warnings occur in the Logger when the object is deployed. To get the name of the object using the visual element ID from the log message, run the following SQL query against the Galaxy Repository database:select pri.tag_name ObjectName, pri.primitive_name SymbolName, pri.visual_element_id |
L00116317: | SR 20114029: If you rename an ActiveFactory control that is used in an ArchestrA symbol before you export the object containing the symbol, and you then import the object into a Galaxy that contains a newer version of the same control, the import of the older control is skipped. By design, if a newer version of a client control already exists in the Galaxy, then the import of an older version of the client control is skipped. However, the control reference in the symbol retains the name change. Because the target Galaxy does not contain a control by this name, the object goes into warning and the 'symbol not found' text is shown. To avoid this, do either of the following:
L00116381: | After opening a ShowGraphic() modal symbol from a container script that takes an expression as input, such as a data change script, all data subscriptions are blocked in the base symbol. As a workaround, open the ShowGraphic() symbol from an action script. |
L00116422: | Opening a pop-up symbol from a ShowGraphic() script is different from opening the same symbol from Show Symbol animation, and Window Viewer occasionally hangs on script execution. Although you can use the ShowGraphic() scriptfunctions inside container scripts, you cannot use ShowGraphic() in WhileTrue or periodic scripts such as WhileShowing. |
L00116459: | A remote node fails to connect to an WWALMDB database that is created using SQL Express Edition. Workaround: Change the SQL Server Express authentication from Windows mode to Mixed mode. To change SQL Server Express Authentication mode
L00116508: | Writing to a secured array attribute using the SignedWrite() function can result in a .NET error in WindowViewer. Writing to an array is not supported. Instead, you can write to an array element. |
L00116555: | If two pop-up windows open in InTouch WindowViewer, one from a ShowGraphic script and another from a ShowSymbol animation, then you cannot close the pop-up windows. Workaround: In the modeless ShowSymbol dialog box, click the Push button with the ShowSymbol animation. This Push button that is already selected changes, and you can interact with ShowSymbol dialog box. |
L00116641: | If you attempt to acknowledge an alarm from an Alarm Control list with a Smart Card reader installed, but open the certificate list in the Ack Alarms dialog and remove the smart card, then click the empty certificate list, the system will display an error and fail to acknowledge the alarm. |
L00116828: | If you attempt to modify the value of a UDA configured with Secured Write or Verified Write security classification using the MxAccess sample ActiveX control in InTouch, the value will not change as expected. As a workaround, the write to a Secured Write UDA value will succeed after you log on to InTouch with operator credentials. However, this workaround does not affect the issue of being unable to modify the Verified Write UDA value. |
L00122304: | In an intermittent issue, if you repeat the UndoCheckout operation several times in a row, you can observe performance degradation. Performance degradation has been seen only after the third or fourth repeated UndoCheckout operation. |
L00122313: | Importing an aaPKG file using the 'Skip: Do not import' option can exhibit inconsisent behavior. In one scenario, importing an aaPKG file that contains instances created from a system template to a Galaxy containing an earlier version of the system template with no instances, using the option 'Objects with same Tagname and Codebase - Skip: Do not import' did not import the newer system template instances. In another scenario, importing the aaPKG file to a Galaxy that contains a newer version of the system template than that being imported, with no instances, using the option 'Objects with same Tagname and Codebase - Skip: Do not import', imported the aaPKG system template instances. |
L00116379: | When the platform is shut down and subsequently restarted, the engine state is not consistent. The engine may be either on scan or off scan. |
L00122553: | (French OS) Backing up the Galaxy does not generate the .csv file in the file repository. |
L00122358: | Because unregistered attributes are not cleared from the Application Server StoreForward cache, an unregistered attribute on the AppEngine can be registered again to the Historian after the Historian run-time database is rebuilt. |
L00123898: | A write operation may fail with an Access denied message when a write operation is attempted for the first time from the Object Viewer on a remote node. This occurs even when the credentials are correct. Subsequent write operations with the same credentials are successful. |
L00125233: | Silent uninstall is not successful for Application Server. |
L00126221: | An undeployed and unassigned DIObject may remain in the AreaHierarchy.xml file under the Area. |
L00127360: | Multiple errors from RedundancyPrimitiveRuntime.cpp appear in the log after the bootstrap service is terminated on the primary Application Server node. |
L00128364: | SR 47910004: When migrating a Galaxy from 3.1SP3P1 to 2012R2 the system can erroneously display the following message: 'The Galaxy name conflicts with an existing object in the Galaxy.' This occurs even if there are no objects with duplicate names. |
L00128537: | When pairing Galaxies in an environment with a case-sensitive SQL Server installation, the Cross-Galaxy Server Primary node name may not automatically populate on the remote machine. As a workaround, manually enter the Primary node name or IP address in the text box on the remote machine. |
L00128551: | The Delete Galaxy operation automatically deletes service instances of type 'ASBGRBrowsingService', 'ASBMXDataService', and 'ASBUserAuthentication', user services, but the operation will not delete 'OPCUAClientService' service instances. |
L00128668: | If a Galaxy with invalid characters is migrated, the invalid characters are not detected. The invalid characters cause errors during deployment because the AreaHierarchy file was not loaded. |
L00128726: | The Edit Custom Properties dialog box inappropriately displays embedded custom properties in bold. |
L00128969: | The ArchestrA IDE may take 30 seconds to open on a system that is not connected to the Internet. When the IDE starts, the operating system attempts to verify the digital certificates for internal components against a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) located on a public website. If your system cannot access the public site within 30 seconds, the IDE startup process resumes and completes. As a workaround to avoid this delay, in Internet Explorer or through Control Panel, open Internet Options, Advanced Options, and uncheck the option to Check for publisher's certificate revocation. |
L00129132: | Application Server does not support the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) security policy option in Microsoft Windows. |
L00129457: | Importing a hierarchy of derived templates from one Galaxy to another may result in a protected template with an unprotected parent template, which is an unsupported configuration. This can occur in the following scenario:
Leave the Never allow unprotected objects to be overwritten by protected objects checkbox checked (the default) unless you are sure that you want to overwrite the objects in the target Galaxy with the contents of the package being imported, and have carefully considered the possible results. |
< top of document >
The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Account

The following table lists important documentation corrections.
Item | Location of Change | Existing Documentation | Change |
1 | OPCClient Object Help (help.htm), " overview'="" section<="" td=""> | n/a | In the 'Overview' section, insert a new subsection 'OPC Client Reconnection' (following the existing 'Block Reads and Block Writes' subsection): Following is the OPC Client connect/reconnect behavior:
When a connection fails, OPC Client will try to connect after each 'Restart Period' for 'Restart attempts' times. If the 'Restart Period' is 20000 ms, it will try to reconnect after 20 sec instead of at each scan period. Because this represents a change from earlier restart connection functionality, you may need to modify the 'Restart Period' for 'Restart attempts' accordingly. |
2 | AppEngine Object Help (help.htm), 'Overview' section | The General Configuration options table lists the Enable late data editor option. | Change the name of the editor option to: Reconnect as soon as possible & do not mark disconnects |
3 | Wonderware Application Server User Guide, Chapter 4, 'Managing Objects,' 'Importing Objects' section | The last step of the procedure for importing objects is incorrect. Remove the last step (step 8). | Add the following to the end of the procedure: 8. When the import process is complete, you can start using the objects you imported. |
4 | Wonderware Application Server User Guide, Chapter 4, 'Managing Objects,' 'Importing Client Controls' section | N/A | Add the following statement after the first paragraph: When the import process is complete, restart the IDE to apply the changes made by the import process. After the IDE has restarted, you can start using the objects you imported. |
5 | Wonderware Application Server User Guide, Chapter 7, 'Working with History,' 'Application Server History Components' section | In the 'Sending Historical Data Between Application Server and Wonderware Historian' section, the second paragraph from the end reads: If you select the Enable late data option for an AppEngine, NULL values are injected into the data stream for the disconnect period. | Replace with the following: If you select the Reconnect as soon as possible & do not mark disconnects option for an AppEngine, NULL values are injected into the data stream for the disconnect period. |
6 | Wonderware Application Server User Guide, Chapter 7, 'Working with History,' 'Configuring System Objects to Store Historical Data' section | In the table of History Attributes, the third entry reads: Enable late data | Replace with the following: Reconnect as soon as possible & do not mark disconnects |
7 | Wonderware Application Server User Guide, Chapter 8, 'Working with Alarms and Events,' 'Enabling, Silencing, and Disabling Alarms' section | The second bullet reads: Silenced: All alarms for an object are detected, but are not logged in the alarm database, are not saved to history, and are not shown in alarm clients. The silenced alarm state is more restricted than the enabled state, but less restrictive than the disabled state. | Replace with the following: Silenced: All alarms for an object are detected and logged in the Historian alarm and event history database. Silenced alarms are not logged to the InTouch alarm database, and are not shown in alarm clients displaying current alarms or recent history alarms. The silenced alarm state is more restrictive than the enabled state, but less restrictive than the disabled state. |
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